10 years of happiness​

Sometimes one evening can feel like several days at once. When there are so many events, emotions and memorable moments that they take over and don’t let go for a long time. This is exactly what the anniversary of ESTEL Academy was.​ The historical and mysterious beauty of Mikhailovsky Castle in St. Petersburg, the enchanting sounds of guitar and saxophone, sculptures that came to life, the scent of new perfumes and a fascinating show – on a blue carpet, in the colour of the sky and ESTEL. This day, indeed, had it all. At one point the gentle sun gave way to fresh summer rain, and then a bright rainbow lit up over St. Petersburg. As the weather changed, so did the mood – emotions were running high. Smiles, relaxed conversations, shared memories – during the meeting of guests. Amusement, inspiration, immersion – during the “White Nights” collection show, which was accompanied by a film about the birth of love. And then came the deepest feeling – the feeling of unity. Under the same sky, in the same city, with the same ideals.​ In the finale of the show, the heroes of the film – a young man and a young woman – appeared before the guests as if they had jumped out of the screen. They released two snow-white doves into the sky – as a multivalent symbol in which everyone saw something different, but certainly – bright. Love, faith, hope…​ People create new things and preserve their favourites. Creativity expands horizons infinitely. Beauty saves the world. Again and again. The anniversary of ESTEL Academy showed how beautiful St. Petersburg is and what is born in it: from creative ideas to fashion collections, from delicate beauty to the beauty of the world.​