DeLuxe SENSATION in Minsk

An extensive presentation devoted to new SENSATION DeLuxe dye was held in Minsk. In collaboration with Belarusian technologists, stylists of ESTEL Academy created 20 trendy looks with a focus on shining shades, bringing to life the SENSATION philosophy: Magnificence of Color is the Master’s Hands. The last coloring trends, ideal combinations of colors and shapes, and new coloristic possibilities have been demonstrated at the meeting. Following the presentation and show, the guests, who included leading stylists of Belarus, could have a closer look at the SENSATION palette and discuss the advantages of the new ammonia-free color cream. SENSATION is more than an addition to the DeLuxe color collection. It takes relationships between a stylist and a product, a stylist and a color, a stylist and a client to the next level. It is a tool for colorists who create color, or to be more precise, can’t help but create color. For perfectionists who set the bar high both for themselves and the surroundings. Some of the best color experts collaborated with ESTEL Laboratory to create SENSATION DeLuxe. That’s why the product has turned out just as a hairdresser needs.