An embrace of eternal spring for your hair

They open up to the world. Always turning toward the light. Captivating beauty, enchanting and inspiring. Flowers. What can they tell you? Listen to the whisper of the petals…

Inspired by the natural power and beneficial properties of flowers, ESTEL has created THE FLOWER ECSTASY – a sensual hair wrap with floral oils and extracts.

How does the FLORAL ECSTASY work?

There are only three steps in the treatment:

Flowers are ready to share their power and beauty, all that is left is to experience ecstasy and enjoy the luxury of your hair.

The most valuable benefits:

a whole field of beneficial properties

hair as strong and strong as a flower, washed and infused with water.

instant transformation

results beyond expectations

FLOWER ECSTASY is an unforgettable dawn of beauty. It is a sweet dream come true. It is lightness and energy, a feeling of renewal and fullness. Ecstasy for hair.