Bio perming. Soft formula with cysteamine and Provitamin B5. Natural, glossy, gorgeous curls — as wavy as Niagara Falls!

The Perminng Set No.2 NIAGARA

Hair bio-perming procedure

Intended for creation of natural curls, soft, shiny and dynamic. The formulas of products provide careful treatment due to cysteamine and Provitamin B5.
NIAGARA will ideally suit those who like to change their image: movable supple curls may be styled in any way. Additional opportunity provided by NIAGARA: root lifting.

NIAGARA Products:

• Bio Perm NIAGARA in four variants: No. 1 for unmanageable hair, No. 2 for normal hair, No. 3 for color-treated hair, No. 4 for bleached and damaged hair.

• NIAGARA Perm Fixative



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